In the following we would like to inform you about our already completed projects of Oxford Consult and Oxford Energy. If you are interested in details on the respective projects, we would be pleased to provide you with our customer group-specific reference sheets.

Simply contact us by email or telephone in this regard.

Project Examples Energy Companies

– CHP generation Analysis, focus on German speaking area

– International IPP analysis with benchmarking of plant parks of 40 companies

– Biomass plant master Plan & construction & management

– EU-subsidy management

– Power plant consortium management

– Electronic Confirmation Matching Software

– Evaluate Power Benchmarking Database

– Risk management project gas value chain risks gas to gas & gas to power

– Legal strategy gas value chain for international Major

– Household analysis for client gas retail strategy

– Internal process analysis of the complete procurement- and trading activities of a European utility

– Internal process analysis and organisation of an ETRM tender procedure

Project Examples Consumers

– Industrial power consumption structure In Bavaria & Baden Wurttemberg

– Multisite (UK & Germany) Power Consumption Analysis of international tyre manufacturer

– Analysis of national, regional and EU-wide financial assistance programmes

– Economics of heating systems for Airport runways against snow & ice

– Drawing up of comprehensive financial plans for both internationalising resp. diversifying companies

– Energy procurement analysis for an international polyethylen- and polypropylen producer

– Innovative devices for automated consumption analysis for power, gas, water and compressed air

– Consultancy packages for medium and small energy consumers

Project Examples National Governments, Authorities & Non-Profit Entities

– Design of the “Evaluate Power” software package for multinational utilities & regulatory authorities

– Analysis of the Austrian Power market

– Analysis of the Austrian gas market

– Regulatory body power market software

– Regulatory body gas market software

– Supply & Demand for Renewables in Vienna, Austria

– Strategic development of the electricity industry In the Austrian province of Upper Austria

– Analysis of options to increase the biomass capacities in operation in Slovenia

– Analysis of competition intensity of the European gas market

– Transmission analysis for the German & Austrian power market

– Study on the Hungarian electricity industry

Project Examples International Energy Sector Service- & Technology Companies

– Market entry and sales channel build up for a high tech lighting control company from the Czech Republic

– Market entry and sales channel build up for an energy efficiency software company from Slovenia

– Market entry and sales channel build up for a smartmeter producer from the Czech Republic

– Market entry and sales channel build up German speaking area for a smart home technology company

– Sales channel build up Austria for a gas technology service company

– Sales channel build up German speaking area for an international consultancy

– Market entry and sales channel build up UK for an energy analysis software company

– Benchmarking of national financial assistance elements

– Screening of relevant financial assistance options including project management

– Sales strategy for a European power demand and supply module